Based on results of HIV biological and behavioral research in Armenia 2014 conducted by the National Center for AIDS Prevention of Ministry of Health recommends to improve the epidemiological surveillance to suspend the spread of HIV infection.
The research was conducted in three cities of Armenia: Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor by including most at risk population toward HIV: people who injection drugs (PWID), sex workers (SW), men who have sex with men (MSM), prisoners, migrants and young people aged 15-24.
Most cases of HIV prevalence among PWID is recorded in Yerevan (4%), second is Gyumri (3, 8%), in Vanadzor HIV-positive cases have not been recorded.
Among SW HIV-positive cases have not been recorded in none of three cities.
In Yerevan among MSM HIV prevalence is 0,4%, in Gyumri 1,4%, in Vanadzor 1,9%.
Report indicates, that PWID are most informed about HIV prevention measures in Gyumri, where Infection Control Assessment Tool (ICAT) amounts to 88,9%. In Vanadzor PWID are least informed with 59,2% and in Yerevan ICAT amounts to 60,9%.
The same index for SW is high in Vanadzor and in Gyumri: 95,5% and 94,6% accordingly. In capital the index is significantly inferior to other cities and amounts to 58,9%:
This index among MSM in Gyumri is 69,8%, in Yerevan 78,9%, in Vanadzor 85%.
ICAT is much lower among prisoners, migrants and young people. It amounts to 38,4%, 24,4% and 22,4% accordingly.
The survey was conducted among 300 people from each PWID, SW, MSM groups in Yerevan. From Gyumri and from Vanadzor 50 people from each group attended the survey.
350 prisoners, 550 migrants and 1200 young people is the quantity of participators in this research.
Hovhannes Ishkhanyan