Waiting outside: Why don’t boys apply to Yerevan State Linguistics University named after V. Brusov?


One of the most vivid differences between Yerevan State Linguistic University (YSLU) (named after V. Brusov) and other universities is the extreme imbalance between the numbers of male and female students. According to May of 2011 data, only 4.2% of the 4000 students (168 in total) studying were males. This of course makes one think about the causes responsible for creating such a big difference. What keeps boys from applying to YSLU?  The results of the research conducted provide some interesting conclusions.

Culture vs. Profession

Armenian culture belongs to a range of masculine cultures, where, according to Dutch anthropologist, Geert Hofstede, there lies a clear allocation between the social and emotional roles of men and women.  It is assumed that in these types of “masculine” societies, “men should be persistent, solid and concentrated on material success, while women should be modest, gentle and concerned about issues deliberating the quality of life”.

Upon analyzing the results of the research, it’s evident that people’s perception of gender is clearly accepted, and there is a clear distinction between what’s considered appropriate for men and what’s considered appropriate for women, as far as profession is concerned.

The most fitting professions for boys include architecture, programming, medicine and political science. Professions seen and considered appropriate for girls include pedagogy, translating, psychology and linguistics.

The factor behind unawareness

The unawareness regarding the professions offered by YSLU can also keep male applicants from applying to YSLU. For instance, according to the majority of respondents, the field of political science is considered suitable for boys, but a low percentage of the same respondents were aware that this field of study is also offered at the University.

Negative stereotypes

“Thirty two girls and three boys enter Brusov, four years later thirty five girls’ graduate.”

The main meaning behind this joke refers to the feminine characteristics attributed to the boys by the society, which according to the same perception is the influence the boys are subjected while studying with female students at YSLU.

In addition, the respondents’ opinions stated in the questionnaire confirm the thesis of cultural non-conformity. For example, “the professions offered at Brusov are feminine”, “Boys don’t like linguistics”, “There is no fitting profession for boys in Brusov”, “Boys are not good in languages”, “It is not a University for boys”, “Boys don’t like language”. The existence of negative stereotypes also influence people’s perceptions: “In Brusov, girly boys study”, “there are many sissies”, “the number of boys is few and they can’t stand the girls’ pressure”, “there are many light-minded girls and boys are afraid of turning into them”.

To confirm and clarify the nature of possible stereotypes regarding the male students of YSLU, pictures of four young students were shown to the respondents (see below), one of which (version 2) was intentionally placed with feminine features (hairstyle, clothing, attitude).  The question asked: Of the images provided, which is more compatible to the image of a Brusov student? The majority of the respondents chose the student with the feminine features.

In your opinion, which of these pictures is more compatible to the image of student from University (named after V. Brusov)? Choose no more than one answer. / 5.Don’t Know

Pictures of four female students are also included in the questionnaire, one of which (version 4) depict features of what is typically known as a “chick”. According to the students, a “chick” is a student who is not interested in her studies and whose mission in life is to look attractive and pick up on guys. It’s also appropriate to mention that this question is based on the well-known joke:  “Avian flu was spread in the Institute of Brusov, and all the chicks died”.  

Most of the respondents chose answer 4 as their answer, which proves the popularity of these stereotypes.

In your opinion, which of these pictures is more compatible to the image of student from University (named after V. Brusov)? Choose no more than one answer. / 5.Don’t Know


We tried to show that small number of male students in YSLU can be conditioned by at least three factors. First, it became clear from the research results that in people’s eyes, there exists a fine distinction between what professions are considered to be suitable for males and what suitable for females. The professions offered by the University are not viewed as appropriate for the traits more closely linked to masculinity in Armenian culture. Secondly, unawareness about professions offered by the University can influence male student’s decision not to apply to the University. This is especially clear with the example of political science. Finally, the stereotypes highlighting and attaching feminine traits to the male students of YSLU can influence boys (and their parents) from choosing YSLU.

The survey results also made it clear that they negative stereotypes regarding female students studying at Brusov University still exist in the society.

The article is prepared with participation of the students of 1st course of the Geology department of YSLU named after Brusov (students of American and British studies).

Tigran Matosyan